Mr. Petteri Pihlajamäki, currently a Director at Pöyry Management Consulting, has over 25 years of experience in
strategic planning and development of forestry and forest industry worldwide. He holds an M.Sc. in forestry from
University of Helsinki and an M.Sc. in Business Economics from Helsinki School of Economics and Business
Mr. Pihlajamäki has gained extensive expertise in combining complex issues, such as fibre resources, markets,
competitiveness and environmental information, into strategic plans. He has advised companies and governments
in how to improve performance and increase value.
Mr. Pihlajamäki has accumulated practical project experience since the 1990s; at first a management and later a
supervisory role. He has gained also extensive field experience in assignments in Russia and Eastern Europe, India,
South-East Asia, East Africa, Latin America and the USA.
Presentation Outline:
Global fibre and biomass markets are undergoing major changes. The growth of forest product markets, particularly
in China and Asia, is putting an increasingly large pressure on regional and global forest resources. The key question
is how to meet this demand.
Plantation forests have become a major source of incremental fibre supply. However, competition for land combined
with cost inflation are reducing their competitive advantage, and new solutions for plantation forestry are required.
Russia remains a major untapped resource basin, but major challenges for increased harvest remain also there.
New forest-based products and bioenergy uses for wood are developed actively, which increases competition
for limited raw material resources.